Human brain over black background. 3D illustration
In many respects I put people before pigeons! The global sport is crying out for the humanitarian approach to cure the ills of jealousy and negativity that ruin it for genuine sportsmen. Racing pigeons owe their roots to man-the human personality. We care for them, house them and race them for sporting pleasure. I would like to see a sporting code of ethics, morals and standards of behaviour for all to take notice of. We need to take a critical look at our attitudes, psychology and behaviour towards the winner and the essence of winning races
There are gentlemen within the sport ,who need to be applauded and encouraged as role models for others to emulate. Ask yourself the question-What has been my overall contribution to the collective good and welfare of the sport. Ironically, a way to achieve this higher plane of being is to target a racepoint rather than a person. May I suggest you take a purist approach and try and crack Barcelona? There lies the potential for power, money, esteem, success and great birds! Yes you can experience the sport on a very high level in your head, by making steps towards positive thoughts and emotions-now there is a challenge.
Jim Emerton