Over the coming months I am preparing to launch the Racing Pigeon International Magazine. This magazine will be a FREE monthly publication available online. It will be translated into English, Chinese, French, German, Dutch, Filipino, Polish, Portuguese, Romania, Arabic, Spanish and Thai. We will be looking to feature news and reports from: Albania ,Argentina ,Australia ,Belgium ,Brazil ,Bulgaria ,Canada ,China ,Taiwan ,Costa Rica ,Croatia ,Cuba ,Czech Republic ,Denmark ,France ,Great Britain ,Germany ,Hungary ,Ireland ,Iraq ,Italy ,Japan ,Kuwait ,Latvia ,Lithuania ,Malta ,Mexico ,Morocco ,Netherlands ,Norway ,Philippines,Poland ,Portugal ,Qatar ,Romania ,Saudi Arabia ,Scotland ,Slovakia ,Slovenia ,South Africa ,Spain ,Thailand ,United Arab Emirates ,USA ,Wales.
Realistically I am looking to launch this towards the end of the year. But, I NEED HELP. I am not looking for this to be a regular boring publication full of the same old news and reports. This will be different. I want unique and new content. Not just written content but video content too (Its a digital publication so we have lots of potential).
I am looking to work with people from the countries above. We need reporters, agents and promotion people in each of the countries. We need people to work with on this to build up the publication. I will be working on an incentive program to reward contributors over the coming months too. If you are interested in getting involved in anyway I want to hear from you.
The concept and vision of this publication is toe provide a monthly free online magazine that is truly global. It will feature news from around the world and be translated into all the languages above. The potential of tis publication is immense. It has the power to truly unite the world of racing pigeons.
Keep Flying!
Mark Lyford
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