What do you see the sport looking like in 10 years time Jim?
The sport in 10 years time will be thriving ,yet evolving. The craze of one loft racing will be dominant on a global level. The pursuit of power and money will be central in the competitive sphere, with ego and kudos. In the UK more people will accept the BICC and International level racing as the highest echelon of pigeon sport-where it should be. The NFC and BBC will struggle to cling to old status and traditions of supremacy.
During your time in the sport who do you think have been the most influential flyers?
My early heros were J.O. Warren with Lancashire Rose/ Davidson with Faith and Jack Paley and son with Woodsider-all charismatic and legendary marathon men of my creative years.
What is your opinion on the current organisations and their structures we have here in the UK and Ireland?
Organisation and structures are as efficient as the people within them ,where charismatic intellectual leaders and systems are needed. I avoid membership of any committees and hierarchies as a lone wolf individualist, although the BICC is the greatest in the UK.
What is your opinion on one loft races and the future of them?
One loft races are good for excited gambling, instant gratification and short distances, yet test the prowess of the manager only-a modern concept.
We have seen a massive increase of flyers in some Eastern European countries of late. What do you think the driver is behind the mass adoption of the sport in these countries?
Poland took off at Barcelona International as did racing in old Russia and Romania-it stimulates and rewards the psyche of simple, competitive working men who love pigeons.
What are your thoughts on the current issue the sport has regarding the increase in birds of prey?
Birds of prey will remain as falcon and hawk threats to pigeons despite a war against them. They have increased due to protection and the banning of organochlorines like DDT. At the cottage we flew open loft and ran the gauntlet. The birds are very emotive in the racing pigeon consciousness today.
Do you see place for mainstream gambling in the future of the sport?
I do not gamble, yet the activity is ideal for chancers and risk takers with their brass-why not?
What do you think the most prestigious race to win is?
THE most important race in the world is Barcelona International-wise men are aware of the fact, with the distance, radius.birdage and impact.
Do you think the negativity in this sport has increased in the last 20 years?
Many fanciers are jealous critics and malcontents. The old adage LOOK IN THE MIRROR ,could yield personal insight and self criticism. Negativity is so destructive to the ethics of the sport.
Do you think young people are the key to the sport growing here in the UK and Ireland or is there another target market we should be focusing on instead?
With positive publicity and profiling we need to target all ages of people in mainstream media as propaganda.
What are the ingredients to a successful bird and flyer?
Mark Gilbert is a great 5 to 700 mile flier, then over 700 we have Neil Bush and over 800 Trevor Robinson-these are the UK best with Jellema from Holland.
I think we should develop a new championship and league system. What are your thoughts?
A league system could be done, yet only to recognise the top people as single entities not groups, the sport is egocentric in essence.
Do you think the increase in big money coming into the sport it a good thing?
My instinct tells me that the love of money erodes the joy of racing and sporting, human values.
With publicity comes criticism. How do you deal with negativity and criticism Jim and what is your advice to people who suffer it?
I cope with negative human emotions by being an aloof, remote intellectual .
If you could pick one person to mentor you in the sport, who would it be?
Geoff Cooper, a clever Grammar School lad could teach me up to 500 miles-he is a genius.
I recently featured a video about the sport promoter Barry Hearn. Do you think someone like that with his approach to sports could help the pigeon sport? If so, who do you think are the people that should be involved?
Hearn is a promotional genius, a ruthless go -getter Mr fixit, with charismatic charm-bravo!
Whats the best living pigeon currently worldwide in your opinion?
The best living pigeon is relative to human value judgements-I like my own strain best!
Who are the best flyers in your opinion at the moment?
Mark Gilbert is one of the best in the world, despite numbers sent, yet only up to 700 miles-a bit short for me.
You have spoken to me and seen my current efforts online within the sport. What advice would you give me to take things to the next level and move forward Jim?
Mark, plough on with your vision, persist and do it man.
What’s your opinion on the current wave of Chinese and Taiwanese flyers and breeders buying up all the best birds, and do you think the situation will continue and grow?
The Chinese and Taiwanese are powerful, often rich men who manifest dominance in pigeon racing for ego-gratification and supremacy.
I think the media within the sport needs a massive overhaul in its content and approach. Do you agree? If so what do you think should be done to start the change?
The media needs more people with creative genius like yourself, pioneers of the human spirit to make the sport more colourful-do it man.
What else would you like to say Jim?
Thanks to all the great characters who have touched my leaf and please read my 8 books on Amazon.co.uk and watch my DVD by Countryside Audio @ Visual-Love Jim Emerton/Mensa.
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