Hello Fellow Fancier’s,
Firstly, I would like to personally thank you for showing interest for this new ONE LOFT RACE with a difference.
If you have already sent your team/s of pigeons to the Race Loft, then please ignore this email.
This email has attached a BOOKING FORM, ENTRY FORM and the RULES/REGULATIONS for the British Masters National One Loft Race.
If you would like to enter some pigeons into the race, then please either email me or contact me by telephone.
You still have plenty of time because the closing date will be 30th APRIL 2019.
If you require anymore information you can always log onto our state of the art website www.britishmastersnationaloneloftrace.co.uk
Please make sure that when you send your pigeons by Pigeon Courier or take your pigeons to the Race Loft you send or take them to the following location:-
Ian Sullivan,
Loft Manager,
Southdown Lofts,
Hobbs Cottage,
Haresdean Lane,
West Sussex. BN45 7EG.
Mobile:- 07880-366501
Email:- ian.sullivan1966@gmail.com
Please either telephone Ian Sullivan or Paul Smith to let us know when your pigeons will be arriving at the race loft. Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Also please make sure you supply a your completed ENTRY FORM and TRANSFER FORM duly signed.
All pigeons must be vaccinated 8/10 days against PMV before being delivered to the race loft.
SULLIVAN BROTHERS are highly successful pigeon fanciers and have already achieved many top class performances over the past few seasons, including 1st OPEN NATIONAL FLYING CLUB, 1st OPEN BRITISH INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CLUB and also 1st OPEN BRITISH BARCELONA CLUB.
Your pigeons will certainly be in good hands and they will all be privately trained and they will do everything in their power to see that the pigeons in their Race Loft have a good chance in the both the GUERNSEY HOT SPOT RACE and the FOUGERES FINAL RACE with the BRITISH INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CLUB. All the pigeons will be flying for all the BICC honours.
Once again thanks for your interest this new venture and we all wish you every success during the 2019 race season.
If you have any questions or queries about the race, then please either call me on 01279-812005 (Home), 07860-568216(Mobile) or email me on reglofts@aol.com
We still have some spaces left, so if you want to send an extra team or know of any of your fellow fanciers or club mates that might want to enter, then please either pass the information onto them or ask them to contact Paul Smith as soon as possible, I will be only too pleased to forward the information onto them.
A very nice 2 page Press Report was written about this new venture by Bob Knowelden SUSSEX & THE SOUTH COAST scribe and it appears on pages 14 and 15 in The Racing Pigeon and pages 66 and 67 in the British Homing World on the 8th MARCH 2019. It is well worth reading if you missed it.
You can either pay by cheque, made payable to PAUL SMITH or do a direct BANK TRANSFER to PAUL B. T. SMITH, LLOYDS BANK, ACCOUNT No:- 00254941, SORT CODE:- 30.90.84 IBAN No:- GB45 LOYD 3090 8400 2549 41 SWIFT BIC Code:- LOYDGB21210. If you do pay by a direct BANK TRANSFER, please email Paul Smith and confirm payment has been transacted.
We look forward to receiving some of your top quality pigeons for this new One Loft Race and wish those that enter a successful racing season.
Best regards.
Yours in sport,
Paul Smith.
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