My thoughts on what is needed to bring new people into the sport and how we can make it happen
Keep Flying!
Mark Lyford
Reader Interactions
Anthony Hartesays
I also think that it might be an idea to try to involve non fanciers in one loft races by raffling non activated pigeons and the winners might be encouraged to visit the loft race open day to see how their pigeon does. It might nuture their interest. Also in the North East of England they have communal lofts on allotment sites. If land or funding could be found to have a site with several lofts then a new fancier could rent a loft and ease the financial costs
I also think that it might be an idea to try to involve non fanciers in one loft races by raffling non activated pigeons and the winners might be encouraged to visit the loft race open day to see how their pigeon does. It might nuture their interest. Also in the North East of England they have communal lofts on allotment sites. If land or funding could be found to have a site with several lofts then a new fancier could rent a loft and ease the financial costs